
As in the 1st conference, all subjects related to Accounting, Economics, Finance, and Management will be considered. Potential research topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) Accounting and Auditing

  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption and implementation challenges
  • Global financial reporting standards and convergence: Challenges and implications for multinational corporations and financial institutions.
  • Sustainability accounting and reporting: The role of accounting in measuring and reporting sustainability performance, including environmental and social impact assessments.
  • Digitalization and emerging technologies in accounting and auditing: The adoption and impact of technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and data analytics on accounting and auditing practices worldwide.
  • Forensic accounting and financial fraud: Techniques for detecting and investigating financial fraud in a global business setting.
  • International auditing standards and practices: Challenges in implementing and harmonizing auditing standards globally, including the role of technology and data analytics in enhancing audit effectiveness.
  • Integrated reporting: The integration of financial and non-financial information in corporate reporting and its implications for auditing processes.


(2) Finance

  • Global financial markets: Integration, interconnectedness, and the impact of globalization on financial markets and their efficiency.
  • Corporate governance and firm performance: The relationship between corporate governance mechanisms, ownership structures, and firm performance in multinational corporations.
  • Global financial crises: Causes, consequences, and lessons learned from financial crises in a global context.
  • Islamic finance: Principles and practices of Islamic finance and its role in the global financial system.
  • Global regulations and compliance: The impact of international financial regulations and compliance requirements on financial institutions and cross-border transactions.
  • Sustainable finance and responsible investment: Integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in investment decision-making and the development of sustainable financial markets.
  • Financial innovation: The role of technological advancements, fintech, and digitalization in shaping global financial markets and financial products.

(3) Economics

  • Global economic integration and trade:
  • The impact of globalization on international trade and economic development.
  • Trade agreements, policies, and their effects on global economies.
  • Economic growth and development strategies in a globalized context.
  • Economic inequality and poverty alleviation:
  • The causes and consequences of income inequality in a global context.
  • Policies and strategies for poverty reduction and inclusive economic growth.
  • Social welfare programs and their impact on economic development.
  • Sustainable economic development:
  • Environmental sustainability and its integration into economic policies.
  • Green growth strategies and their economic implications.
  • Circular economy models and sustainable resource management.

(4) Management

  • Sustainability management and leadership
  • Global supply chain management and its impact on firm performance
  • Cross-cultural management and leadership in multinational organizations
  • Human resource management in a globalized workforce
  • Global corporate social responsibility and stakeholder management
  • International strategic management and competitive advantage
  • The role of management accounting in supporting decision-making in multinational corporations
  • Organizational behavior and its implications for global management practices
  • Innovation management in a global context
  • Knowledge management and knowledge transfer in multinational organizations

Change management in the face of globalization and digital transformation